Total β-hCG Test Kit (Immunofluorescence Method)
Indication: Pregnancy
HCG is a glycoprotein secreted by placental chondrocyte trophoblast cells, including alpha and beta subunits. HCG alpha subunit and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) , LH (luteinizinghormone), TSH(thyrotropin) secreted by pituitary are basically similar, so they can cross-react between each other . The β chain is unique, the structure is not similar, so β-HCG subunits are usually used to prepare for specific antibody as a diagnostic tool, which can avoid the interference of LH. HCG can be used for the diagnosis of early pregnancy. In addition, β-HCG can also be used for ectopic pregnancy, threatened abortion monitoring, which can also be used to correctly guide abortion.significance. In addition, serum NGAL is elevated in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), atherosclerotic plaque-related diseases such as myocardial infarction, acute atherosclerotic cerebrovascular disease.
The HIGHTOP β-HCG along with the HIGHTOP HTY-100 PLUS Reader is a fluorescence immunoassay that quantifies the totalβ-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin(β-HCG) concentration in human serum.
Ordering Information
Total β-HCG Test Kit | Serum | 15min | 25-10000ng/mL | 25T | H562 |
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