

       FLU-B (Influenza Virus B) Antibody DOT Kit (Colloidal Gold Method)

      - Detection: IgM

      - Specimen: Serum

      - Formet: Cassette

      - Packing: 20T/Kit


      • Introduction
      • Manual
      • Intrusctions

      Influenza, one of the most common infectious diseases, is a highly contagious airborne disease that occurs in seasonal epidemics and there are three types of flu viruses:A, B, and C. Type A and B cause the annual influenza epdemics that have up to 20% of the population sniffling, aching, coughing, and running high fevers. Type C also causes flu; however, type C flu symptoms are much less severe.


      FLU-B (influenza Virus B) Antibody DOT Kit is used for the qualitative detection of FLU-B (influenza Virus B) antibody in human serum. Negative test results are presumptive and should be confirmed by cell culture or an FDA-cleared influenza A and B molecular assay. Negative test results do not preclude influenza viral infection and should not be used as the sole basis for treatment or other patient management decisions.


      Ordering Information

      PRODUCTSPECIMENTest MethodPackingCAT.NO.
      FLU-B (Influenza Virus B) Antibody  DOT KitSerumColloidal Gold Method20T/KitH219


      Please contact us for any enquiries.

      Email: info@nxyytxdz.com

      WhatsApp: +8615092153215


      Copyright © HIGHTOP Biotech